IV Vitamin C May Help Chemotherapy Side Effects


What is IV Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that may help with chemotherapy side effects. It's also known as ascorbic acid and is one of the vitamins your body needs to stay healthy. When you take Vitamin C orally (by mouth), it gets absorbed into the bloodstream through your intestinal tract before being transported throughout your body through blood vessels surrounding tissues and organs like the heart, brain, and kidneys, where it performs various functions, including helping build collagen or connective tissue which gives structure to cells such as bone marrow cells that produce blood cells for circulation throughout our bodies' systems; strengthening capillaries so they don't break easily; protecting against free radicals produced by tobacco smoke which are linked to cancer development risk factors among other things. IV Vitamin C , on the other hand, goes directly into the bloodstream, acting faster to reduce symptoms than oral Vitamin C.

Why do people do IV Vitamin C?

IV Vitamin C is also used to help reduce the risk of infection, reduce fatigue, and pain, and help with nausea.

It's important to note that Vitamin C does not cure cancer. Instead, it helps your body fight off infections caused by chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer.

Is it safe to do IV Vitamin C?

Is it safe to do IV Vitamin C?

Yes. IV vitamin C is a safe, effective treatment for people with cancer. It can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy and other treatments, or alone to help manage side effects. However, it's not recommended for people who have kidney disease because they're more likely to have side effects from the IV vitamin C (such as nausea or vomiting). It's also not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding; your healthcare provider will advise you on whether this treatment is right for your situation.


When you are going through chemotherapy, it can be difficult to find a way to help with its side effects. IV Vitamin C is one way to do this. It has been shown in studies and by people who have used it that this treatment can work well for many people who are dealing with cancer or other diseases. Not only does it help with pain relief, but also boosts your immune system so that your body fights off infections better than before starting chemotherapy treatment. Talk to us about the HyVIta treatments we believe will work best to relieve your symptoms. We can work with you to tailor the vitamins included to best suit your particular side effects.

About Health Care Medical Infusion Specialties

Trusted for two decades by patients, hospital systems, and health care institutions statewide, Health Care Medical Infusion Specialties is Mississippi’s leading and most comprehensive provider of infusion services, nutritional and immunity IV therapy, and durable medical equipment for adults and children.


Robyn Pollack