Benefits of Intravenous Vitamins and Hydration

What are intravenous vitamins?

What are intravenous vitamins?

IV (short for intravenous) vitamins are a type of vitamin that is administered directly into the bloodstream through an IV line. They're commonly used to address specific deficiencies in the body, as well as overall wellness, but they can also be used for other purposes such as hydration and detoxification.

How does HyVIta work?

An IV bag containing a concentrated solution of nutrients that your body needs to function properly is thoughtfully and carefully prepared by our staff nurses and pharmacists. Once the solution is administered, it passes through the blood vessels and into your cells where they need them most, giving you immediate access to everything from amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to B12 (an essential nutrient necessary for red blood cell formation). Many of our patients don't realize their bodies aren’t functioning at optimal levels until they've experienced a HyVIta infusion. The goal of every HyVita treatment is to replenish any vitamins or hydration your body is lacking to bring your body back to its natural balance.

Why do we need intravenous vitamins and hydration?

Oral vitamin supplements, which go through your digestive system before entering your bloodstream, can be less effective than those administered directly into your bloodstream due to barriers of absorption in the digestive tract. Intravenous administration bypasses the digestive system completely and goes directly into your bloodstream, which allows for faster absorption of nutrients and quicker results.

Dehydration and Summer Heat

Mississippi is known for its extremely hot summers. It is very common for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke cases to dramatically increase during the summer months. One common component leading to the development of these conditions is dehydration. Proper hydration is essential in Mississippi’s extremely hot summer climate, so refueling and hydrating with a HyVita treatment will likely be something your body welcomes!

Who can benefit from intravenous vitamin therapy?

If you feel like you need a recharge or have trouble swallowing pills HyVIta may be right for you. It is also a great option for those who need to get a lot of nutrients quickly--for example, during recovery from surgery or illness.

About Health Care Medical Infusion Specialties

Trusted for two decades by patients, hospital systems, and health care institutions statewide, Health Care Medical Infusion Specialties is Mississippi’s leading and most comprehensive provider of infusion services, nutritional and immunity IV therapy, and durable medical equipment for adults and children.

Robyn Pollack